Issues of Focus

From poverty-related factors impacting development to challenges within the home detracting from school readiness, many economically and systematically disadvantaged youth who lack stability and support experience intergenerational difficulties.

LBTL believes all children are entitled to fulfilling academic and social experiences. Our goal is to ensure resilient youth in Houston are represented when decision makers talk about creating legislation that impacts their communities. We use music, theatre, and storytelling to share inspiring multicultural representations of civic engagement, and we show youth and their community members how to contact SBOE (State Board of Education) members about revisions to curriculum.

Explore issues we address:

  • Textual Lineage & Educational Experience

    Economically and systematically disadvantaged children face a special set of challenges outside the classroom that significantly impact their educational experience.

  • Health & Wellness

    Dedicated to equipping under-served youth with the tools, resources, and community needed to take charge of their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

  • LGBTQ2S+ Youth

    LGBTQ2S+ youth face discrimination in many aspects of life—including at school, meaning there are more obstacles they must overcome in order to gain vital education.